Socialization among seniors is a major issue today. Sometimes, the end of the professional activity rhymes with a decrease in activities, and notably a decrease in social interactions. However, this phenomenon is not inevitable. Solutions exist to make the senior years an active and socially rich age. Here are some tips.
Internet networks
It is an effective solution but it is not always used by the Seniors. Indeed, the Internet and new technologies are often presented as the prerogative of the new generations. However, the reality is different because more and more seniors, as the generations advance, present facilities in the use of this tool. Indeed, the Internet is full of sites and networks that propose to put in contact seniors who want to meet and do activities. For example, we can mention the OnVaSortir website, available in several French cities. Registration is free, and gives access to many events organized near your home. To use this network, nothing could be simpler: you create your account, you register to the event you are interested in, and that’s it. Of course, you can also propose your own activities, whether they are cultural (visit of the city), sporty (hiking) or simply social (restaurant or café). Finally, other applications and websites such as Meetup exist, but are in fact more frequented by the younger generations. Internet networks are therefore a great tool to go out and meet other seniors, as well as to create links.

Senior residences: advantages and disadvantages
For seniors living in a residence, things are slightly different. In fact, they depend on the type of establishment proposed. In most of the French “senior residences”, some activities are proposed (philosophical café, board games or reading). However, these activities are not always very varied and lead to the same people always being present. In other establishments, such as EHPAD, the situation is quite different because there are few or no activities offered. Above all, these organizations house a large number of dependent elderly people who can only participate in a limited number of activities. In short, we would say that senior residences can offer social events and activities, but that these have their limits.
The Ca’Sole solution
However, there are senior residences that do not intend to accept this state of affairs and are proactive in offering their guests a real social experience. Ca’Sole intends to emphasize sports activities, which allow for real encounters and the sharing of positive vibes among its guests. Of course, this is made possible by the fact that Ca’Sole is aimed at seniors who are still independent. Consequently, sport is really put at the heart of the project, with hikes, physical maintenance sessions ensured by professionals, as well as advice on nutrition. Fans of sports activities will be delighted and will have the opportunity to meet other people who share this passion. Finally, Ca’Sole also strives to develop the sociability of its residents through cultural and artistic activities. This is also an essential area to which many seniors are attached. Whether it is through group readings, cultural or tourist visits, these are all opportunities for meetings and interactions between residents.

The need for new senior residences
The Ca’Sole solution corresponds to the desire to offer a solution that is better adapted to the needs of seniors. It is based on the relative failure of existing residential solutions. In recent years, the main pitfalls of “classic” senior residences have been highlighted. First of all, the location. Very often, because of the French real estate market, senior residences are relatively isolated from the city center, located on the outskirts of urban areas. This has a considerable impact on the quality of life offered to residents. Indeed, it is essential for many seniors to be able to feel integrated in their living environment, in their community, and to be able to easily participate in activities close to home. The distance from urban centers also makes it difficult to access certain shops, such as food stores or convenience stores (hairdresser). But even more seriously, this geographical distance accentuates the remoteness of certain medical specialists who are not always available in the residence (neurologist, pedicurist for example). Secondly, and as mentioned above, current residences are lacking in the offer of entertainment and leisure activities to their residents. This is an essential point, as it contributes considerably to the quality of life and satisfaction of clients. Having a full week of sports and cultural activities is a must for everyone, especially for seniors who want to get the most out of life.
Some final tips
In any case, no matter what your situation is, you should know that you are not the only one who wants to be more social. Near your place of living, other seniors who share your interests aspire to make outings, whether they are sports, cultural, or simply social like sharing a good meal in a restaurant or a coffee in the sun. In short, we advise you to always be on the lookout for opportunities around you, in your neighborhood, in your city. Be attentive to conversations in your shops (hairdresser, supermarket), they will allow you to discover new activities. Above all, don’t be intimidated by technological tools such as the internet and social networks, which are actually quite easy to use. Above all, these tools allow you to find out about local events in an efficient way, more than what could be done in a physical way in real life. Finally, talk about it around you and let people know about your desire to do social, sports and cultural activities.