Some retirement places have terrible living conditions. We have chosen people over economizing a few dollars. However, we need your help to make our voice heard , both by institutions, investors and our future residents.
Energetic and passionate individuals
Caring and work ethics above all
Pooled experience and skills

Jordan is a physical educator specialising in coaching seniors. His master thesis was about seniors wellness in sports. With his experience and technique, he will be responsible for the well-being and fitness of our residents.

Maud loves meeting with people : that's why she choose a marketing career. Maud is our marketing manager, in charge of all communication aspects of the project. She is is particularly attentive to the situation of senior citizens.

Clément S. H.
Maud is our marketing manager, in charge of all communication aspects of the project. She is very close to her grandparents and is particularly attentive to the situation of senior citizens.

Clément A
Clément is our financial specialist. In addition to his technical knowledge, Clément is also a man committed to seniors, having carried out several volunteer actions with people in need.

Brian F.
Brian works in an ethical finance Startup in Geneva : he always believed that doing things differently is the key to changing what is going one. After all, if finance can be ethical, anything can be.
We need your help to make it happen
With the help of crowdfunding sites, we can collectively fund and give visibility to this project.