Join the Revolution in Senior Housing

Looking for pleasant, human-centered and dynamic senior residences?

Welcome aboard

Sunny and peaceful locations

Enjoy a house in a splendid mediterranean setting

Comfortable and human-centered homes

Live in a refined and ergonomic interior

An active and friendly community

Feel surrounded by friends like you

Sports and cultural activities

Having fun will not be a problem anymore

Our product : Refreshingly unique senior accomodation

At Ca’Sole, we offer a new type of residence for seniors.

We aim to differentiate ourselves from the existing offers , which are both too limited  few and mainly focused on medical treatment. We offer something brand new :  pleasant, human-centered homes, where the well-being of our residents is our core target.

A place where seniors are no longer alone

We travelled and asked seniors what they’d like in their next home. We heard clearly what was most important to them: living in a community where life is good.

At Ca’Sole, we emphasise the social and community aspect of our residences. There’s nothing better than being surrounded by passionate and fun people.

To this end, we offer a variety of activities for our residents, such as gymnastics, yoga, and cultural discovery. And this is just the beginning…

Meet us ...

“Jordan is a physical educator specialising in coaching seniors. With his experience and technique, he will be responsible for the well-being and fitness of our residents.”

JordanWell-Being Director

“Maud is our marketing manager, in charge of all communication aspects of the project. She is very close to her grandparents and is particularly attentive to the situation of senior citizens.”

MaudMarketing Director

“Clément is our financial specialist. In addition to his technical knowledge, Clément is also a man committed to seniors, having carried out several volunteer actions with people in need.”

ClémentFinancial Director

If you want to contribute to a brighter future for our dear seniors, it is here: